How Do Animals See The World?

Animals see the world differently than people do.

Many animals can see in colour, but not the same as the colours we can see.

And there are some animals that can see things people can’t see!

What do animals see? Have a look at this infographic to find out more about how many different creatures see the world!

It was created by GAP. GAP stands for Greyhounds as Pets. They’re an organisation that helps racing dogs who are ready to retire from racing find good new homes as pets. You can find out more about how they do this when you click here.

Some people believe that dogs can only see in black and white. The truth is dogs do see some colours. They can see brown, blue and yellow.

Something dogs can do that we can’t is see things that aren’t right in front of them but off to the side when they’re looking straight ahead. This could be their left side or their right side.

Being able to do this is called peripheral vision. Say this word like this: PER-if-fer-ral.

People have peripheral vision too. It’s just not as good as the peripheral vision some animals have, including dogs.

Photo by Albina01 on Pixabay.

What can birds see?

Birds can see a lot more colours than people can! They can see one type of light that people can’t see. It’s called ultraviolet light.

What can sharks see?

Sharks also see much better than humans, but not because of the colours they see. Sharks can’t see in colour at all! What they can do is see 10 times better than humans in dark water, where they spend most of their time. They need this ability to be able to find the fish and other sea creatures that they eat.

And to find out more about how racing dogs become good pets after their racing days are over, look here.